Closeout Deals

Product description

Please call the office for special pricing on the below close out products:

  1. 112020 - AC461A Slip Type Valve Box Tops
  2. 112022 - AC562A 24" Slip VB Bottom
  3. 115630 - M-D Valve Box
  4. 580207 - 23 1/2" R&C with Holes - #1125
  5. 711012 - Plastic Oval MBX with CI Lid - #185
  6. 711401 - Rome Box -#11910
  7. 713200 - C/O Albuquerque Meter Plate
  8. 713300 - Nashville Small Meter Plate
  9. 713400 - Nashville Large Meter Plate
  10. 713600 - Meter Box Lid #1500
  11. 714105 - Ashville Meter Lid Only

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