Valve Boxes, Risers & Extensions

Product description

Valves are located inside the pipes, enabling a section to be shut off, and repaired without closing the entire system. On the top of a valve is a nut, that is reached through a small opening in the street, or sidewalk called a Valve box.

Accucast offers a wide range of Screw type & Slip type valve boxes, as per industry standards, and City specifications, marked Water, Sewer, Gas, Fire, WMARRS

Generic:  AC461s, AC562s, AC562sh, AC564s, AC564sh, AC664s

  1. Valve box components: Lids, Tops, Bottoms
  2. Valve Box Riser, size 1" - 8"
  3. Valve Box Extensions, size 14" - 30"

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