Manhole Rings & Covers, Extensions

Product description

When a new street is under construction, various utility lines are laid down. These could be electric, gas, water, steam, sewer and storm drains. These are usually located in descending order, the storm drain at the lowest level. At each major change of direction, or grade in the utility system, a manhole is constructed, providing a point from which the pipes can be cleaned.

These manholes could be from bricks, concrete or fiberglass. Manhole frame and covers are made of Cast Iron or Ductile Iron. They come in various sizes depending on City specifications.

Accucast offers a wide range of Manhole Ring & Covers, Inlet Ring & Cover, in different sizes & markings, Generic, City Specs, Water Tight, and Reversible.

MARKING AVAILABLE:- Sanitary Sewer, Storm, Water, Waste Water

  1. Manhole Ring & Covers
  2. Water Tight Manhole Ring & Covers
  3. Reversible Manhole Ring & Cover
  4. Inlet Ring & Covers

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